Tarot Of the Week for March 3, 2025
How y’all doing? Everybody still here? Did you take some time last week to nurture your creativity and drop out of the endless capitalist grind for even just a few minutes? If not, no worries – you can still do that this week and every week! It certainly feels like these weeks are just getting longer and longer, so making the time to rest is important for all of us.
Here’s this week’s reading for Tarot of the Week. Remember to hold on to things that speak to you, and you are welcome to pass on anything that doesn’t resonate with you.
I pulled three cards from the Raven’s Dream Tarot by MJ Cullinane and here are the cards that wanted to come out:
9 of Swords (reversed)
Page of Cups
Queen of Wands
Let’s take a closer look:
9 of Swords (reversed): In this card, we see Raven, in what appears to be an uncomfortable position. They’re trying to look skyward towards the moon, but their wing is bent in an awkward fashion. It looks as if Raven is trying to avoid the two tall branches full of prickly thorns on either side of them. Black roses are at the tops and bottoms of the sticky branches, and in front of the moon are nine moths, blocking the light from La Luna.
When upright, this card speaks of nightmares and things that we’re trying to avoid during the day but that come out at night. We all know that feeling – somehow, we feel more vulnerable at night, as if there’s nowhere we can hide from the things that give us nightmares. And if your nightmares are bad enough, it can make it difficult to sleep or difficult to even want to sleep at night. But because this is reversed, it indicate maybe an opportunity for us to face our fears in a way that makes us feel supported. Facing these things that frighten us can definitely be a scary thing, but if we create a safe place for ourselves (and create safe communities for others), we don’t have to do anything alone.
Page of Cups: And speaking of creating a safe space for ourselves…here again this week we have the Page of Cups. If you read last week’s reading, you’ll remember that this card also came out to play, and here again, we have the energy of support. In this card, Raven is depicted providing a sheltering wing over a young fox pup while robins and an owl look down from the sky and moon above.
Just like last week, creating those safe spaces for ourselves and our communities gives us the opportunity to rest, to create, to dream, and, in the case of our first card this week, to face the things that frighten us most. Is there a way you can begin to do the work of creating a safe space for others? Are you supportive of your friends and community? Can you do the work necessary within yourself to be a safe space? I’m not talking about performative things like wearing safety pins and blue bracelets… I’m talking about the really hard work of self-examination, of doing things that actually matter like wearing a mask in public or listening to marginalized and oppressed people instead of speaking over them. There’s a lot of hard work to be done in creating community, and it all starts with us.
Queen of Wands: Was I just talking about self-examination? Because the Queen of Wands is precisely about that in this reading. We see Raven, with her crown, floating with her feet over a fire (literally holding her own feet to the fire), and in front of the fire pit is a calm, regal, pink swan. Two more bursts of flames appear at the tips of Raven’s wings in mid-air, and instead of the moon, we see a symbol representing the sun above them all.
Welp. Wands represent the solar plexus energy of self-confidence and self-worth. And the Queens of the court cards are the most mature energy of each suit (wands, pentacles, cups, and swords). When this card appears, we’re being asked to look deeply into ourselves. What do your beliefs and convictions say about you and how you live your life? Can you make friends with your shadow side? It’s like one of my shamanic Reiki teachers says, Get comfortable with all of you – the parts that you like, and the parts that you may want to hide or be ashamed of, or that make you angry. The Queen of Wands is a master of holding space for herself – and therefore she is the place you can go when you need someone to listen without judgement.
Looking at all three of these cards together, we can say without a doubt that the energy this week is a good time to do some self-reflection and maybe some shadow work. Do you have a way to create a safe place for yourself to start to examine your shadow side? Even If you’re not 100% ready to dive in to doing deep shadow work, you can dip your toe in those dark waters and bring a gentle awareness to things about yourself that make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes simply acknowledging these things in the dark is the most powerful way to create conditions for healing.
If you’re interested in getting a personalized reading from just for you, as always, please feel free to contact me!