Tarot Of the Week for March 10, 2025
Here we are! It's the Monday after daylight savings time here in the U.S. (ugh) and I'm sure a lot of us are feeling it. It seems like an insane thing to do, switching the clocks around like that, thinking that foolish humans in charge can actually control time. Ha! No such thing.
Ironically, this week I started reading The Serpent and the Jaguar: Living in Sacred Time, all about Mayan astrology, the day signs, and the energies of time according to the ancient Mayans. I only just got through the first chapter, but so far, it's fascinating and feels very relevant to me, so I'll keep you posted.
Anyway. On to this week's Tarot Of the Week reading. This week, I'm working with the Raven's Dream Tarot by MJ Cullinane, and the cards that came out are:
King of Wands
Two of Cups
Seven of Pentacles (reversed)
Here's how we break it down:
King of Wands Wands are all about solar plexus energy, our sense of self, our connection to those higher aspects of Self. And the King of Wands, here represented by Bear, is asking us if we are setting goals that are truly aligned with our purpose and our calling. Raven looks on in this card, and there's no escaping their gaze: Raven knows EVERYTHING. Interestingly enough, both Raven and Bear came to me in an extremely vivid dream right after I enrolled in this year's Shamanic Reiki Master Healer Teacher program through Shamanic Reiki Worldwide, and so I did some work with Bear. Turns out, Bear medicine asks us to go into hibernation, to go into the great womb of Mother Earth, and allow ourselves to relax fully into the Dreamtime. When we can surrender into that sacred rest, we open ourselves up to receiving inspired information. Can you give yourself an hour or two this week to engage in some sacred rest?
Two of Cups Cups are about our emotions, our feelings, our relationships. Emotions are so important these days, and allowing ourselves to feel everything (without getting wrapped up or caught up in it all) can be an important aspect of healing and moving forward in the world, even when it feels as if the entire world is burning down around us (and right now, it actually is). In Tarot, the number two usually represents a balance – and we notice in this card that there are pairs of dragonflies, pairs of lotus flowers, a pair of wings, and a pair of bees. We also have a pair of birds – a white seagull and a black Raven, representing conscious and subconscious, light and shadow. This Two of Cups card is all about our partnerships, and recognizing the partnerships that complete us rather than drain us. Take some time this week to see where you’re feeling supported and where you’re feeling drained of energy.
Seven of Pentacles (reversed) Pentacles are about our physical, Earthside existence, and in particular, they can represent our finances and career and what we do for work or for money. This card usually represents the energy of seeing a return on our investments – whether that be an investment of time and effort, or a financial investment. Sometimes…the things we pour our energy into just don’t work out the way we planned, or the way we hoped they would. This is the week to look into what’s working out for you and what’s not, and acknowledge it so you can figure out what to do: cut your losses and quit, take a break and then come back at it refreshed and renewed, or come up with an entirely brand new approach to make things work.
Looking at all three of these cards together, it feels like the energy this week is going to be conducive to some more opportunities for self-reflection. Is what you’re doing in the world achieving the results you’d like to see or the results that you need to survive? If not, why not? What can you do differently? Are there partnerships or relationships that need to be re-evaluated? And most of all, are the things that you’re doing aligned with your purpose and your higher Self? As we’re moving into the next turn of the Wheel of the Year with the coming of the spring equinox, this is a good time to start doing some journaling or reflection on your goals and plans for the future.