Tarot Of the Week for February 23, 2025

Tarot Of the Week for February 23, 2025

Welcome to Tarot of the Week! Starting today and every Monday moving forward, I’ll be posting an in-depth Tarot forecast to help us get a handle on the general energies of the earth and cosmos.

Today I’m using the Raven’s Dream Tarot by MJ Cullinane. The cards that came out to play are:

Page of Cups

Eight of Cups

Eight of Pentacles (reversed)


So let’s get to it…

Page of Cups: I quite like this card. On it, we see the Raven offering shelter to what looks like a young fox pup by wrapping its wing around the little fox. Above them, an owl looks out from the full moon, and a pair of robins gaze at the scene below. (Interestingly enough, yesterday morning we heard something outside and when we looked, we saw more than 20 robins hanging out in and around the crab apple tree right outside my son’s bedroom window!)

This card has always been one of my favorites. It’s about creativity, and nourishment, and nurturing that creativity that lives in all of us. Creativity is one of the most important things about being human, and right now, yes, it feels like the entire world is falling apart around us, but this card is here to ask you: what are you doing to nurture and nourish your creative side? It might seem counterintuitive right now, but acts of creation, and act of creation and creativity, is an act of resistance. Are you painting? Writing? Playing music? I know, seriously, most of us are just focused on survival right now. But the most anti-capitalist act of resistance that many of us can do right now is to BE CREATIVE. Paint something. Write. Draw. Pick up an instrument and just play a few notes. It doesn’t have to be worthy of a Grammy or a Pulitzer, but it has to come from YOU. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have to be perfect to be creative. Because when we are able to nourish and nurture our creativity, that’s the first step into allowing ourselves to dream a new world into being.

Eight of Cups: Another card from the suit of Cups! Cups are all about emotions and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings. And in this card, we see the Raven, riding on the back of a cow skeleton. This Raven dreams of a lush meadow that’s home to eight fully-fleshed-out living cows. There is soft grass in the dream, a stark contrast to the prickly cacti we see surrounding the skeleton cow.

Do you feel as though you’re struggling to walk the line between survival in the physical world and your spiritual practices? If so, I can guarantee you that you are 110% NOT alone in this. Very often, it feels as if we have to choose between the physical world and the spiritual world. This card is here to remind us that for the most part, they are one and the same. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the desire to flit off into meditation all day, but also don’t allow yourself to get carried away with worries about merely surviving in this new dystopian hellscape where we find ourselves. The work we do here in the physical world is part of our spiritual practice. Find ways to bring the sacred into your everyday actions – turn your morning coffee into a ritual of gratitude. Visualize your shower or bath as cleansing your energy field. Turn your bedtime routine into a time to communicate with the ancestors and spirit guides. Make space in your life to connect with a fellow nature being: a bird, your dog, your cat, even a tree or a flower. Finding the miracles in the physical world helps us to strengthen our connection with Spirit.

Eight of Pentacles (reversed): Boy it’s been a while since I’ve seen this card come up in a reading, and it feels heavier than usual right now. In this card, the imager we see is the Raven, spear fishing while a pair of dragonflies buzzes near the shoreline. There are seven fish in the water underneath the Raven, who is aiming their spear directly down into the water, while an eighth fish is already on the shore.

Pentacles in the Tarot are about our earthly existence: our money and finances, our careers and jobs, even our physical surroundings like our homes and our possessions. When it shows up in a reading, this card is asking us to tap into that energy of the Master Craftsperson when it comes to our physical lives.

Now, because this card is reversed, there are a couple of ways we can read this. The first way to look at it is to ask ourselves if we feel like the lives we’re living are aligned with who we are. Do the aspects of your physical life align with your purpose? Do you feel at home here? Do you feel like this is where you want to be? Is something missing or not right? Is there something you need to change? A good idea would be to spend some time journaling about this, or do a meditation on it.

Another way to look at this is to ask yourself if you are feeling blocked in your ability to create the life you want through your career and home and possessions and finances. What’s standing in your way? Is it something that you have control over, or is this a sign that you need to let go of your attachments and start dreaming up a new way of being?


Looking at the three of these cards together, we can get an overall sense of what to focus on this week. Start by nourishing your creativity, even in the smallest way that brings you joy and hope. Next, look to your everyday rituals as a way to bring the sacred into your life and strengthen, establish, or re-establish your connection with Spirit. Finally, this is a good week to examine what is working in your life and more importantly what is NOT working.

Times are tough right now, and almost everyone I know is feeling off-center, even if it’s just for a little while. Take a few moments to look at these cards, read, and breathe. We got this.

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